Hello, friends! I hope you’re all having a great weekend. Time is flying by! Or is it just me? It can’t be just me, though, because it’s already time for Advent Calendars from Spellbinders! Yes, that’s right! And, yes, I said Calendars – plural! The Spellbinder’s Crafty Advent Calendar last year was so popular that they have brought it back this year AND added the 12 Days of Stitchmas Advent Calendar. They are both available on the Spellbinders website starting today. There is also a Stitch Along Add-on Kit, with all of the basics for getting started on stitching. These products will probably sell out, given how well they did last year. They are also available at a few resellers, so I will include links to various sources below.
As always, the 10th of each month brings all of Spellbinders’ new releases. I will be sharing more of some of those other releases soon.
I have a new video showing my first unboxing. I will only be unboxing the 12 Days of Stitchmas for now. I will share an unboxing every day for the next 12 days. My hope is to share both a stitched and unstitched project with you each day. I always try to stretch my stitching dies and use them without stitching. Don’t get me wrong – I love stitching! But, I love stretching my supplies more. You can see my first video below or go directly to YouTube.
For the Crafty Advent Calendar, I will do the same, but I will not start sharing that unboxing until December 1st. For now, you can see an image of the inside of that box below:
Note: all supplies are linked to multiple sources in the thumbnails at the end of this blog post.
I am purposely not showing an image of my project in this blog post or on social media because I don’t want to ruin the surprise if someone wants to buy the Advent Calendar for themselves and be surprised when they open it. I know there will probably be images all over social media soon, but I like surprises and would rather leave it up to you whether or not you want to see the “insides.” If you want to see it, watch my video! And tune in to my YouTube channel for the next 12 days, as I will probably not be sending out daily emails.
Thanks for visiting today! I appreciate you.
Wishing you all a crafty day,
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